Rainfall Totals Last 24 Hours in the United States
Tap anywhere on the map to see how much rain fell

So good to find so much info about all my components. I have daughters and grandchildren in several directions. My cattle are also in different pastures. Rain is the lifeblood for all living things!
So sad this historical data is so hard to find. Please add temperature—maybe hi & lo for the day—I would definitely be willing to pay if that was added—thanks.
Now I can monitor how much it rains at each farm without rain gauges and driving around. I really think it is great and accurate too!
This is a super handy app for managing job sites all over the Midwest.
I have often looked for information on rainfall, but it is difficult to find on weather apps and even on government websites. This app very quickly shows history for 12 hrs, 24 hrs, week, month, and YTD and also compares to average. This is exactly what I have been looking for, and it is very easy to use!
Yes, an app that finally gives me what I want—rain totals by the hour, daily, monthly, and the year. It’s so easy to use. I can keep track for my garden and check my loved ones too. Thanks!
This app has been so helpful for my landscaping business. I can track precipitation on multiple properties almost in real time which really helps us plan maintenance.
Know where you can ride! I have a gauge programmed for all the trails in my region. I can see at a glance which trail systems are likely to still be rideable, and which are likely to be too muddy.
Seems accurate and matches my outside pool increase level. With a pool, I have to maintain the water level within 5” for the skimmers to work properly. If too much rainfall, I have to lower it so I downloaded this app to see how accurate it would be…after 3 days of rain…so far so good.
Very accurate and the interface is intuitive. Its ability to show hyperlocal rainfall amounts is very useful.