How much did it rain?

Well, let's find out. Now, you can easily get rainfall totals for your exact chosen locations, not some distant weather station.

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Tired of guessing how much it rained?

Life without RainDrop

  • Remain clueless about how much it rained
  • Depend on distant sources for rainfall totals
  • Unaware of the rainfall on all your properties
  • Use unreliable physical rain gauges
  • Depend on general rainfall totals by zip code
  • Get caught unprepared by unexpected rain
  • Manually record rainfall amounts
  • Need physical presence to gauge rainfall
  • Uncertain about rain received at job sites

Life with RainDrop

  • Always be informed about rainfall totals
  • Receive rainfall totals for your exact location
  • Track rainfall across multiple locations
  • Forget about broken rain gauges
  • Access historical rainfall totals
  • Check rainfall totals anytime, anywhere
  • Compare current rainfall to local average amounts
  • Determine current ground conditions
  • Know more than your neighbors

Used and trusted by over 20,000+ people

Don't take our word for it. Here's what they have to say about RainDrop.

    • Not a farmer

      Love this app, can look at rainfall in Columbia MO, Oxford MS, Inlet beach FL, down the street, and especially at home to know when-how much to water the new lawn! Keep it up.

    • On top of things

      I really appreciate being able to look at rainfall amounts at any time day or night. We have field in a 20 mile radius and it just isn't feasible to drive around to see this. Very handy easy to read.

    • Super helpful app

      I’ve been using this application for over a year now to keep track of the rainfall at our local mountain bike trails to give me a much better chance of knowing the status of those trails. This app has been very helpful.

    • Super helpful!

      App is really helpful in determining specific rainfalls—and in our area it is amazing the rain differences just miles apart. We personally use it in lieu of a rain gauge. It’s also been known to settle some family disputes about who got how much rain.

    • Reliable rain gauge

      Finally a reasonable, reliable on-line rain gauge. With multiple fields located 20 miles apart over 60 sq miles, it’s essential to our harvest schedule. Thank you for the program others want an exorbitant monthly fee to utilize.

    • Great app

      Useful for tracking how much water has real fallen in the areas of interest. Use it to help conserve water. This intern has decreased my water bill. No more guessing and lawn still looks good.

      @Heart water

Save time and money with RainDrop

No physical rain gauge needed. Just add a digital one.

Track all your locations.

See how much it rained without being there.

See if you are above or below on rain.

You made it this far...

Download RainDrop today. Everybody else is already using it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • We calculate rainfall by processing data from high-resolution radars, ground sensors, and satellite data. It aggregates inputs from 180 Doppler radars and more than 10,000 rain gauges, using scientific models to derive rainfall estimates. We then deliver rainfall amounts that are hyper-localized, ensuring you receive data tailored precisely to your chosen locations.
  • RainDrop is available exclusively in the 48 contiguous states, with plans to extend our coverage to additional regions in the future.

  • Cool, contact us by email